Package com.devcharles.piazzapanic.utility.box2d

package com.devcharles.piazzapanic.utility.box2d
  • Class
    Vector2 wrapper that contains body orientation.
    A Box2dRadiusProximity is a Proximity that queries the world for all fixtures that potentially overlap the circle having the specified detection radius and whose center is the owner position.
    A Box2dSquareAABBProximity is a Proximity that queries the world for all fixtures that potentially overlap the square AABB built around the circle having the specified detection radius and whose center is the owner position.
    Box2D Body and logic for AI agents, the Box2dSteeringBody responds to inputs from a SteeringBehavior.
    Collision categories allow specifying which Box2D fixtures collide with each other.
    Helper class that stores light definitions.
    Populates the world with bodies created from the obstacle layer.
    Handles collision events, allows interactivity between the player and other objects.